Tyrone Marhguy, the young Rastafarian student who faced initial challenges with admission to Achimota School due to his dreadlocks, has emerged as a top performer by winning two prestigious awards from the American Mathematics Olympiad 2023 for his outstanding academic achievements in grade 12.
In the 2023 American Mathematics Olympiad, Marhguy secured the title of the overall national top scorer, earning the Gold medal. This remarkable feat was accomplished after competing against a global pool of more than 150,000 students.
In addition to his success in mathematics, Marhguy also received the Silver award in the Vanda Science International Olympiad, surpassing 38,000 test-takers.
His remarkable academic accomplishments have earned him induction into the International Junior Honour Society, 2023. Furthermore, on Tuesday, December 19, Marhguy excelled in the West African Senior Secondary School Examinations (WASSCE), achieving an impressive 8 As.
This significant success comes as a testament to Marhguy’s resilience and determination, following a challenging journey marked by a highly publicized school admission rejection that sparked a nationwide debate on discrimination. Ultimately, the culmination of this debate resulted in a landmark court victory for Marhguy and his fellow students.