A devastating fire tore through a holiday home catering to individuals with learning disabilities in La Forge, eastern France, resulting in the tragic loss of eleven lives. Emergency services were alerted at 06:30 local time (04:30 GMT) on Wednesday, prompting the dispatch of nearly 80 firefighters to combat the blaze.
Although the fire has been successfully extinguished, the exact cause remains unknown. The building, a former barn transformed into a three-story holiday residence, suffered extensive damage, with two-thirds of the structure engulfed in flames before firefighters managed to gain control.
Seventeen occupants were evacuated from the premises, with at least one individual transported to a hospital for medical attention. The fire’s destructive path particularly impacted the second floor, where those trapped faced challenges in escaping the blaze.
French President Emmanuel Macron conveyed his condolences to the victims and their families, expressing gratitude for the emergency services’ swift response to the “tragedy.”
Initially, authorities confirmed nine fatalities while searching for the remaining two missing individuals. However, by the afternoon, Deputy Prosecutor Nathalie Kielwasser confirmed the tragic death toll had risen to 11.
“We know that it happened on the second floor,” Kielwasser reported. “The people on the second floor found it difficult to escape, and it’s there where the bodies were found.”
The building, which was being utilized by two separate charitable groups supporting individuals with disabilities, was located near Wintzenheim, close to the German border and approximately 70km (50 miles) south of Strasbourg.
French Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne visited the scene to assess the situation and engage with rescue workers. She expressed her deep sadness at the tragic event, characterizing it as an appalling disaster.
Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin praised the courage and dedication of the firefighters who battled the blaze, acknowledging that casualties were anticipated despite the rapid response of emergency services.
As investigations into the cause of the fire continue, the incident serves as a poignant reminder of the devastating impact that such tragedies can have on vulnerable communities.