Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, the General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), urged the party’s youth to embrace ambition for personal growth while prioritizing the well-being of Ghanaians. Speaking at the Youth Wing Retreat in Accra under the theme “Building the Ghana we want, the role of the youth,” Kwetey emphasized the importance of putting the country’s interests ahead of their own narrow concerns.
Addressing the gathering of youth leaders, Kwetey encouraged them to draw inspiration from the exemplary values and principles demonstrated by renowned leaders in Ghana’s history, whose contributions have played a pivotal role in shaping the nation’s destiny. He stressed the need for the young generation to aspire to greatness while remaining mindful of the impact their actions have on the greater welfare of the Ghanaian society.

“Take inspiration from Kwame Nkrumah’s love of nation and continent, Jerry Rawlings’ courage of conviction and adaptability, Prof Evans Atta Mills’ Servant Leadership and John Mahama’s posterity defining leadership,” he admonished.
The NDC General Secretary also bemoaned what he called the creeping ‘NPPnisation Mentality’ in some youths- by which he means the tendency to discount conviction and character and instead place more value on convenience and the acquisition of wealth without regard to principles.
He said, “We in the NDC love the poor but we do not hate the rich.”
He explained that the party believes that every effort must be made to lift the people of Ghana out of poverty.
He continued, “Unlike people who believe that wealth is just about how much you can acquire for the sake of itself, we believe that the reason for wealth is how to use it to bring genuine social justice and fellow feeling in the society.
“Ghana as a country has ambitions to become the beacon of hope for other countries. There is nothing wrong with having ambitions to be wealthy but pursuing it blindly at all cost to the detriment of the people is wrong”.

“We want a nation of wealth but from citizens who place value on character. That is what this party was for and what this party must continue to stand for,” he said.
The General Secretary urged the youth of his party that they must not forget that the party represents the political hope of the country.
He admonished them to exhibit good examples as that’s the only way they can go out to convince others that the NDC is Ghana’s hope.
“The pursuit of character will give you the stamina for longevity in political leadership,” he concluded.